Tuesday 26 April 2016

Library News: The results from our survey are in!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back from the school holidays, we hope you had a fun and relaxing break.

Today we have the results from the survey we asked you all to take a couple of weeks ago, which let us learn so much about our readers.

Here's some information we collected on the language they tend to read in

If you have a look around the library you will see some new tags bringing attention to the books that you recommended to us.  Be sure to have a look around the library and see if any of the suggestions from other readers could interest you too.  Have you forgotten to fill out your survey?  It's not too late to pay a visit to Frau Burkart and let us know your favourite Book and Author!

We have lots of exciting things planned for this term, so be sure to keep checking in here each week!

Zinnia and Gwendoline

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Discover new libraries around the world

Hey readers,

As you know GISS Library is not the only library, in fact there many others and now we're here to talk about the top ten libraries in the world.

A lot of elements from the GISS library can also be found in some of the worlds greatest libraries.  Just like the Seattle Central Library the GISS library is light and airy, and not gloomy like a lot of people imagine libraries to be like.

Many of them have the honour of having a special title, such a being heritage listed or being one of the seven wonders of the world.  Unlike the New York Private Library the GISS library doesn't have over 50 million books in its collection, but Frau Burkart is always adding new ones.  It also isn't as old as the Boston Library building, being less than 10 years old rather than being built in 1848.  The visitors of the GISS library may not be as prestigious as those at The Reading Room at the British Museum, but they appreciate it just as much.  We can only dream to have a library as big as Jay Walker's in our house, I guess a collection on our book shelves will have to do for now.  Number 1 on the list is the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. in the United States, being the biggest library in the world, which holds many impressive and prestigious documents.

Congress Reading Room
Check out the link below to see ore in- depth descriptions and images of these beautiful libraries.  Have you ever visited any of them?  If you could only visit one which would it be?  Comment your thoughts below, we'd love to hear from you.  Enjoy the holidays!!! Zinnia and Gwendoline

Stephanie (n.d.). 10 Best Libraries in the World.  Retrieved from http://www.funonthenet.in/places/best-libraries-world.html